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AMIGA-MODArschfique by flag Chromag
Requested By: flagmirrorbird

Time Left: 2:28

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Song Information

PC-XMDinner and Jorma

Author: flag Swallow (Janne Laitinen)

Uploaded By: flagDimouse

Song Length: 2:58
Song Status: Inactive
Song Platform: PlatformPC-XM

Additional Information:


Minä eilen isältä kysyin mitä meillä on ruokana,
isä sanoi että ruskeaa paskaa ja vihreää kusta.

Minä eilen isälle sanoin tuota minä en syö,
isä silloin otti kirveen ja iski keskelle päätä.

I asked my dad yesterday what food we'd got,
he said brown shit and green piss.

I said to my dad yesterday I'm not going to eat that,
then he grabbed an axe and hit me in the middle of the head.

Last Queued : 9 years, 8 months ago

This song has been played 15 times. [See Request History]
It was added 13 years, 1 month ago.

Extra Resources: Icon Icon

Song Rating

Song Rating: 1.6 - Votes Placed: 54 View Voting History
A total of 4 users have this song on their favourites list.

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User Comments

User Song Comment

The singing is so bad, I dehydrated from crying.

double u[t][f];

The singing is so bad, I drowned in the vast ocean produced by Koekenbakker sorrows.



Minä eilen isältä kysyin mitä meillä on ruokana,
isä sanoi että ruskeaa paskaa ja vihreää kusta.

Minä eilen isälle sanoin tuota minä en syö,
isä silloin otti kirveen ja iski keskelle päätä.

I asked yesterday my dad what food we got,
he said brown shit and green piss.

I said yesterday my dad I'm not going to eat that,
then he grabbed an axe and hit in the middle of my head.

symptomless coma

unban this