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AMIGA-MODPicket Fences by flag Braintumour (Jan Terje Augestad)
Requested By: djrandom

Time Left: 0:52

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Song Information

PC (other)Angry Bubble Bobble Player

Author: flag Kangaroo MusiQue (Thorsten Mitschele)

Uploaded By: flagKangarooMusiQue

Song Length: 5:06
Release Year: 2012
Song Status: Active *
Song Bitrate: 192 kbps
Song Legacy Flag: R
Song Source: Remix
Song Platform: PlatformPC (other)
Song License:

Additional Information:

Bubble Bobble with german text

ich sitze hier
die ganze nacht
an meinen computer
und spiele
mit dem joystick
in der hand

ich hüpfe
mit dem männchen
von ganz unten
nach ganz oben
und bekomme langsam
blasen an der Hand

Die Steuerung im Spiel
ist leider nicht so ideal
zumindest nicht
an diesem alten teil

ich steh ja schon auf blasen
doch mit Wunden Hand
wer ich sie auf die Gegner
an die wand

In Level zwei
ich dreh gleich durch
die Monster greifen an
ich blase wie ein wilder
doch nur Pech
oh mann o mann

der joystick klemmt
die hütte brennt
ich drehe langsam durch
game over und erst level vier
und krieg doch nie genug
und singe

ENGLISH: (thanks yoruq)

I am sitting here
all night long
at my computer
and playing
with the joystick
in my hand

I jump
with the player figure
from the very bottom
to the very top
and slowly get
blisters on my hand

The controls in the game
are unfortunately not ideal
at least not
on this old thing

I like bubbles
but with sore hands
who I put them on opponents (?)
On the wall

In level two
I'm losing it
the monsters attack
I blow like a wild one
just bad luck
oh man oh man

the joystick is stuck
the hut is on fire
I slowly go crazy
game over and only level four
and never get enough
and singing

Last Queued : 3 weeks, 3 days ago

This song has been played 149 times. [See Request History]
It was added 13 years ago.

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Song Rating

Song Rating: 3.3 - Votes Placed: 152 View Voting History
A total of 52 users have this song on their favourites list.

Compilation / Remix Information

This song is a remix of: SID (6581/8580)Bubble Bobble C64 by flag Peter Clarke


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User Song Comment

lalalalalalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lalaa lööo lalala löö

Lurking since Second Reality ;)


löl löl löl löl *cough* lölölölölö *cough*

is that so...

AWESOME!!! \ /

.еру .зкщпкфь .цшдд .ьфлу .нщг .рфззн

Heh. =)


... and when you think it's finally over, it comes wheezing back for an extra round.

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