Agemixer (20:22:55) yeah, i didnt 100% complete the tune. but the tune completed me
MMX (20:22:36) ouch
Agemixer (20:22:19) lithium ione battery blew up here
mirrorbird (20:22:09) or -- i should say "finished"
Agemixer (20:22:06) and still i had to do some fire accident cleanup at those days
mirrorbird (20:22:00) the tune completed you
Agemixer (20:21:17) I used my Sisu force for that Earscratch tune (again) to "complete it" before the deadline, while i got a flu
mirrorbird (20:19:21) sisu-chan ^____^ imoutu
mirrorbird (20:18:17) 1st in sisu compo 2024
Agemixer (20:17:45) but IF you can, workalot something, you get the finkish Sisu and a cert from me personally
Time Left: 2:41
A history of play requests for song Puffin' Away