Acci (10:17:29) I am going to Yanshui Beehive Fireworks Festival in February. Now I just need a full protective suit: YouTube Link
HexaDecimator (09:36:36) so close to greatness...
Flatline (09:09:22) fuckme XD
Flatline (09:09:16) :dangerftw
Rapture (00:10:43) Hiya!
maep (22:55:57) o.
STS-136 (22:20:51) Hahahh
STS-136 (22:20:41) Oh my god
Acci (22:11:50) Two new Krotan tunes in a single day. We are truly blessed.
HexaDecimator (22:11:14)
Time Left: 3:55
List over votes for the song Pokey Infusion