Agemixer (06:16:31) pahus..
juN3bula (06:15:57) Häneltä loppui akku kesken...
Agemixer (06:08:56) Back. ...Stinsen?
Agemixer (05:58:12) brbcig... (if i can!! Ouuuch damnation)
Agemixer (05:55:40) and how comes, weird?
Agemixer (05:53:34) How face i must?
Agemixer (05:52:27) huh?
Stinsen (05:51:57) ?do i see you face?
Stinsen (05:51:48) when i see your see face
Agemixer (05:51:06) owwowwoww shhiit damn. i should move more careful here... backbone bitch
Time Left: 3:54
List over votes for the song Plagarism