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PC (other):troll: by flag Elrinth (Nicklas Holmgren)
Requested By: flagRapture
In Compilations: Compilation Nectarine Compo #19 - Ambient Compo

Time Left: 4:54

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Song Information


Author: flag Karsten Obarski

Uploaded By: flagprowler

Song Length: 1:32
Release Year: 1988
Song Status: Active
Song Source: Demo
Song Platform: PlatformAMIGA-MOD

Additional Information:

Apparently an early version of the Crystal Hammer title tune.

Last Queued : 5 days, 1 hour ago

This song has been played 44 times. [See Request History]
It was added 11 years, 11 months ago.

Extra Resources: Pouet Icon Icon

Song Rating

Song Rating: 3.3 - Votes Placed: 23 View Voting History
A total of 3 users have this song on their favourites list.

Compilation / Remix Information


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Asterix im morgenland

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Some kind of Obarski remix.

9 millenia,

OK, I found some info here! If you compare this mod and Crystal Hammer in a tracker or XMplay you will notice that the position of the instruments is the same, with some missing and some replaced. Also some song patterns are similar or identical.
It might be a remix as Serpent said - or it could be an early version of Crystal Hammer by Obarski himself. I'm positive I've heard this tune used in some super old intro/demo... Obarski might have done a longer and better version in order to sell it as music for the game? (like Nuke did for the Jaguar XJ220)
Who knows


Could be like prowler says, found this which i guess is the same song. Maybe got somehow from Obarski.

Amiga&C64 rulez


9 millenia,

Exactly, I got that cracktro from 1988, featuring "Newsong". The ball was bouncing on the scrolltext

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