Stinsen (03:09:12) but it's for compo so people will have to endure xD
Agemixer (03:07:30) i think it applies any artists who want to break some limits after all. was it shocking art or not
Stinsen (03:06:44) in that case it happens like 2:30 in though, too late to save the song
Agemixer (03:06:11) exactly.
Agemixer (03:05:53) my conclusion.
Stinsen (03:05:47) you know when you get the vibes while listening
Agemixer (03:05:29) such thoughts during composing is like shaming out of nothing
Stinsen (03:05:22) nice age
Agemixer (03:04:34) "is it ok to love your own song too much xD" - in fact i have encountered the same question, kind of
juN3bula (02:54:49) gudskelov
Time Left: 3:08
List over votes for the song Magic Disk 64 (09/1990)