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2014Related songs:

Intro Fronty II (Remix by Hazel) by

Space (Christian Fladung)

Song Length: 1:04
Release Year: 2014
Song Status: Missing *
Song Bitrate: 192 kbps
Song Legacy Flag: M
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This short cutting is for the f-MRT (bloodstream in the brain) Study called "schizophrenic behavior". [...]
You see pictures of a man showing you simple gestics and you have two knops. Is the man doing the right gestics? Well, overally. yes. Only one knop.
80 euro with psychological test.
50euro without.Takes 3/4 hour.
Study is done.
f-MRT is a big, very expensive Magnetresonancetormograph which is medicinally used.
I did that track before the study, because i go sometimes for a money to it.
It has many glasfibers and is heavy loud. :-)
I do not believe that there are much results with f-mrt and even with a modern Computertormograph.
But for a payed checkup it's good, because of they can see the blood flow.
So they called me. I only see my brain on the CD and in the laboratory there, too. Only a few brains.
Last Queued : 8 years, 5 months ago
This song has been played 9 times. [See Request History]
It was added 11 years, 1 month ago.
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