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AMIGA-MODGlassbilens Glassar by flag Mr. Death (Andreas Samuelsson)
Requested By: flagnoodi10

Time Left: 2:11

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PC-ITColors of Neptune

Author: flag Ari (Ariel Gross) GroupAnalogue

Uploaded By: flagBrittle

Song Length: 3:20
Song Status: Active
Song Source: Oldskool
Song Platform: PlatformPC-IT

Additional Information:

This is my first Analogue release.

I'm pretty satisfied with the way this one turned out. I was looking
to create the same feeling that I ended up making with this song, so
that's a definate plus. I hope you all get some sort of enjoyment out
of this song.

In light of certain things, I would like to thank FM for considering me
to be a part of their musicdisk. My only regret is that it didn't work
out due to things that were my fault anyway. Thanks, guys, and I hope
that we can resolve things in the future.

- Ari

Heys go to, and in no particular order,

*All* of Immortal Coil
*All* of Analogue

Hunz: werd to my new friend :)
DJ Tek: your samples are the BEST. I LOVE you.
Jak: Sorry man. Hope you can forgive me for things.
Skie: if you weren't so dang busy we could co-op. so get unbusy.
Sirrus: mm^bass

Michelle: I still think about you, and no matter what, I still care.
Chris: werd to another new friend. You're great!
Kevin: Spring break ruled with ya, bra. Wuv you.
Drew (Supreme): I love you, brainless chicken friend.
Drew (Quarex) : I love you, brainless chicken friend.
Beave: I miss you, Beavey. Nice g/f btw.

(if I didn't greet you then, well jeez, get over it :)

Last Queued : 2 months, 2 weeks ago

This song has been played 25 times. [See Request History]
It was added 10 years, 4 months ago.

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Song Rating: 3.5 - Votes Placed: 12 View Voting History
A total of 1 users have this song on their favourites list.

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Nostalgic BBS Sysop - v2.0

Neptune's great and all, but Uranus is the butt of the Solar System's jokes...