
Song Information
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CoopRelated songs:

Liam the Lemming (Liam J. Hesse)
Radix (Jakob Svanholm)

Song Length: 4:48
Release Year: 1999
Song Status: Active
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F o r e v e r L o v e
a co-op tune by
R a d i x / A n a l o g u e
L e m m / P r o c e s s F i v e
"Truly, there can be no greater form of tracked music than the
rock ballad."
A Study of Tracked Music, IEEE Multimedia journal, May 1999
It's been a long time coming, but we finally got it done. This has
to be one of the most moving pieces I (Lemm) have ever had the
pleasure of working on.
Jakob (that's Radix, for those of you who haven't been paying
attention ;) ) gave me a helluva start off on this one. Most of the
structure was laid out already; all I had to do was tie it up and
finish it off. According to Jakob, I've done a good job on it.
Now THAT'S a compliment. =)
Greets must go out, of course, to everyone in Analogue and Process
Five, our respective groups.
LEMM also greets:
All the NAID 96 loonies... I *still* miss those days.
The regular #trax crowd. Thanks for rescuing me from countless
nights of tiresome study. ;)
EagleFalcon, for his tireless support and encouragement.
The ragtag band of madcap crackheads that is the Kosmic Free
Music Foundation. :)
Welti, for supplying me with numerous fresh samples when I most
needed them. =)
Last Queued : 1 month, 3 weeks ago
This song has been played 39 times. [See Request History]
It was added 10 years, 2 months ago.
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Song Rating: 3.6 - Votes Placed: 19 View Voting HistoryA total of 3 users have this song on their favourites list.
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