
Song Information
Tags for song:
Enigma synth VocalsRelated songs:

Mordi (Martin Wold Lande)

Song Length: 6:14
Release Year: 2011
Song Status: Active
Song Bitrate: 266 kbps
Song Source: Remix
Song Platform:
PC (other)
Additional Information:
I originally had plans for another tune to submit to this compilation, but that didn't quite work out.
A few weeks ago a swedish band called 'Shallow Sense' posted four songs they wanted to have remixed.
I then started playing around with the samples of one of those tracks, and pretty much in two-three days I made this.
The choirs are actually done using samples. A friend of mine; Slaygon, recorded about two octaves of "aaaaaaaa".
I then edited his recordings and made them into a DirectWave preset. Then I copied about ten instances of it, and transposed each of them one note up.
This way, the choir sounds very "full" and nice. Initally, the goal was to make it sound like 10cc's choirs in their track "I'm not in love".
The acoustic guitar in the second half of the song were downloaded from a website with random guitar-samples. I changed the chords using Melodyne.
The vocals were also quite tweaked, along with the other guitar-samples.
In total I spent 12 hours in FL Studio and Melodyne.
I do think it has it's flaws, but hopefully someone will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it!
Last Queued : 10 months ago
This song has been played 25 times. [See Request History]
It was added 9 years, 7 months ago.
Song Rating
Song Rating: 3.1 - Votes Placed: 22 View Voting HistoryA total of 3 users have this song on their favourites list.
Compilation / Remix Information
This Song Is Listed In The Following Compilations:
The Sound of SceneSat Volume 2
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