
Song Information

Cyborg Jeff (Pierre Martin)

Song Length: 1:51
Release Year: 1995
Song Status: Active
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Mc Piet aka Cyborg Jeff (Martin) Fast Tracker II, Scream Tracker III – 80386 DX 40 – MOD
16 years old, i was a rebel boy ! That was my worst scholar year, in 1993, as if it was the moment i met Pierrick and Romuald who taste me to Sound Tracker ! It’s also the moment i missed my 4rd,.. and began Piano lessons, so my parents bought me my first real syntesizer a Yamaha PSR 210. My Father choose a non-MIDI compatible, as i don’t honnestly have worked enough for that.
But, as if i was not able to do computer music during 2 years, i was more intersted by the Sound Tracker, but imagine, if i had a MIDI keyboard, i probably began to work in an other direction with Cubase and a Windows 3.11…
So two years later, in 1995, i had the opportunities to transform all my Yamaha instruments in samples files for my Scream Tracker, by digitalising it with Fast Tracker. Stop picking through samples from other musicians, i would be able to create mine !
So here is the first song in this direction, with fresh and country ambient… writen between a Rox 64 and Last Ninja playing on my C64.
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It was added 6 years, 2 months ago.
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