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FrenchSpeak marioRelated songs:
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C'est toi que j'aimerai by Cyborg Jeff (Pierre Martin)
Author: Cyborg Jeff (Pierre Martin)
Uploaded By: cyborgjeff
Song Length: 3:40
Release Year: 2008
Song Status: Active
Song Bitrate: 192 kbps
Song Source: Newschool
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So i will not sure about the title and the instrumental version will call “Pacman Syndrome”. Monday i hardly worked before Pype’s brithday to finish this song. I’m realy proud of it. Sure same style, but i’m think to have perfectly use the power of my Genelec.
No cover cause i’m still working on the lyrics that i’ll record next friday… for now it’s sounds about.
Et si je pouvais
Un jour me réveiller
Dans une autre vie
Une autre galaxie
Manger des pac-gommes
et des champignons
Pour être plus fort
Pour sauter plus haut
Petit Padawane
Un jour un Jedi
Dans une autre vie
Une autre galaxie
Chasser les dragons
Aliens fanfarons
Sauver la princesse
des mains de ces démons
Déjà le matin
Avant même le café
Mon réveil Lapin
M’inonde d’actualité
Entre un Mac volant
Et un Vista reporté
Je me lave les dents
On va tous les dégommés !
Dans ma Suzuki
Sur la piste, je suis le roi
Flat Out, Need 4 Speed
Sur une bande son Amiga
from Goddess in my hand, track released May 25, 2008
Pierre Martin-Sabrina Santoro
Last Queued : 3 months, 3 weeks ago
This song has been played 28 times. [See Request History]
It was added 5 years, 11 months ago.
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Song Rating: 2.7 - Votes Placed: 19 View Voting HistoryA total of 4 users have this song on their favourites list.
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User Comments
User | Song Comment |
Now u've heard why i prefer this original version Vodkabot |
5 years, 11 months ago | |
I like scene music. How 'bout you? |
I like French songs about video games. Therefore, I like this, too! |
5 years, 6 months ago |