mirrorbird (10:15:49) there are a very few
Ishaan (10:15:15)
Ishaan (10:15:06) le jour où il y aura une mademoiselle en ligne sur nectarine, le site aura été refait
faraday (10:14:17) comment allez-vous mademoiselle
faraday (10:13:46) hi
Ishaan (10:09:39) Then "Throw Navis off the train"
mirrorbird (10:08:14) *Auf WIedersehen Monty theme plays*
d_vibe (10:04:30)
Ishaan (10:04:09) arrakis is trying to flee Germany
d_vibe (10:02:17) arrakis: yes, there are bridges between all danish main islands afaik, and then there are a tunnel and bridge between copenhagen and malmö (sweden)
Time Left: 2:59
List over votes for the song BraveHeart (ClubMix)