
Song Information
Tags for song:
2021 Compowinner ShadowParty VocalsRelated songs:
Cookie Monster by

Andy [DE] (Andreas Dubois)

Song Length: 3:26
Release Year: 2021
Song Status: Active
Song Bitrate: 320 kbps
Song Source: Compo Entry
Song Platform:
PC (other)
Additional Information:
Winner of the streaming music compo at Shadow Party 2021.
These days are hard. It is not so easy to just enjoy your life.
All the parties and your friends are far away.
These days are hard. But i know we will meet in real life again.
We will hug and kiss and celebrate the scene.
Verse 1:
Yes, i know, you wanna rock. You want to party and to f#%?$.
But this bad boy keeps you at home, no one is there, just you alone.
The news, they say it will get better, you soon will all be back together,
But who the hell can surely say, what happens next. We just can pray.
Then suddenly I see a light, I think it could become alright.
I mean the light of happiness, the light of science and prospects.
The serum is so near to us, we can't await to get the shot.
Just hang in there, be cool, be smart. But until then, these days are hard.
Verse 2:
As i said, you wanna rock. Like McMilkshake flavour shamrock.
Do you think you're the only one. I don't think so. We all are done,
with that shit virus in the air. Seems like it's kinda some shareware.
Some shareware which I do not like, to share with you. We better strike
back hard, with all the power of 'Hadouken' and 'Shoryuken'.
We kick this bastard in the ass, till it is breaking like thin glass.
I know, I really know we will, meet in real life real soon again,
Just wait a little more, be smart. But until then, these days are hard.
Last Queued : 11 months, 1 week ago
This song has been played 10 times. [See Request History]
It was added 3 years, 10 months ago.
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