Rapture (22:00:23) DBM seems to be an interesting platform.
Rapture (21:58:23) only the animals birds and music remain wonderful
Rapture (21:57:52) many ppl are strange too. crazy world, crazy ppl, it's a dark world atm
Rapture (21:56:45) yes yes I like jazzcat
Rapture (21:56:12) nice try
Rapture (21:56:10) mirror, trying to squeeze the W-Word outta me
Stinsen (21:55:54) lols birdie
Rapture (21:55:34) true
mirrorbird (21:55:29) how bout MIddle Eastern real estate?
Stinsen (21:55:09) those kind of stocks have risen recently
Time Left: 2:25
List over votes for the song So That's My Story