serpent (14:25:38) you have never been to ring
serpent (14:25:12) aka first mistake
serpent (14:25:02) you will close your eyes when i take hand back to hitting position
serpent (14:24:28) lol
Rapture (14:24:22) i will kill ya with a stick in the hand!
serpent (14:24:10) if you are braz ju jutsu you can strangle with legs but i cant
Rapture (14:24:02) i know taekwandoo and judo and kung fu and
Rapture (14:23:52) i know more karate moves than you, serp!
serpent (14:23:25) at least legs are free but you can't balance to kicks with one hand only, so when going to the ground the legs are more worth
Oldchap (14:23:09) Sometimes thinking with the wrong head takes over...
Time Left: 3:59
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