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In Compilations: Compilation Bitjam Podcast #208
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Song Information


Author: flag Romeo Knight (Eike Steffen)

Uploaded By: flagplc

Song Length: 3:59
Release Year: 2023
Song Status: Active
Song Bitrate: 289 kbps
Song Source: Compo Entry
Song Platform: PlatformPC (other)

Additional Information:

2nd in the Revision 2023 Streaming Music competition.

It's 2023, Easter season again
I'm asking, is it just me? Why am I feeling this pain
There's coming blood from my ear while I'm attending Revision
It is that time of the year - Streaming Music competition!

So, what you're hearing right now
bears zero musical height
still it makes people go wow
cos done by Romeo Knight

Streaming music composers
are not able to track
They are basically losers
humping the demoscene's back

Almost all competitions
will be considerably nicer
Music with zero ambitions
guarantees this sounds scheisse

Still give a hand to all tracks
Every tune is it worth
But none feels better than sex
cos they're not Cream of the Earth

And what we found out
in hundred thousands of meetings
Hauptsache die Scheisse ist laut
now here come the greetings:

Last Queued : 1 week, 2 days ago

This song has been played 22 times. [See Request History]
It was added 1 year, 11 months ago.

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Song Rating

Song Rating: 3.8 - Votes Placed: 20 View Voting History
A total of 5 users have this song on their favourites list.

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Amiga&C64 rulez



Main intro joke explained (from Romeo Knight's facebook):
In 2022 (when I won that same competition), due to an error in the playlist routine, the wrong track was played when my slide came up during the compo - actually twice, until they found out what the problem was. The wrong track was called "The Meat" by Brainbug. While that happened I hastily hacked "NOT MY TRACK GUYS!!!!" into the Discord chat accompanying the music compo.
However, for this year's entry I recreated the first 20 seconds of "The Meat" to shit with the Revision orga team, until my actual song starts. I hope at least a few people got the joke.

Unplayed Requester™

That is quite funny. Thank you for reposting Romeo Knight's explanation, Mystra.