Colidace (17:37:31)
zoi (17:23:45) he's out doing another tour with his boots on the ground
noodi10 (17:14:14) Mystra wheres your norway flag
Machforr (15:29:49) hail the honkontroller
HappyDude (15:25:52) STS-04: Instant Zen (Promised Land)
Rapture (15:10:22) Hiya Zoi, all hail to the honk!
zoi (15:07:18) All hail Rapture, guardian of flocks, road adventurer, and wielder of the sacred PlayStation 3 controller!
Machforr (14:58:59) Confirmasss
Rapture (14:56:52) Colidace o/
Machforr (14:51:46) Coli o/
Time Left: 2:36
List over votes for the song Peace Piece