mirrorbird (22:10:45) not on here though
mirrorbird (22:10:38) ha ha. i know what mine is.
HexaDecimator (22:09:04) lamers, clearly
nyingen (22:08:35) Or I ...
Oldchap (22:07:54) Hmm, I wonder who I would rant about if I were drunk...
mirrorbird (22:06:30) it's the
mirrorbird (22:06:10) no, he has ranted about russians several times before
Oldchap (22:01:55) I don't have any problem with you Stinsen.
Oldchap (22:01:49) Stinsen might just be having a lousy night, feeling crappy.
serpent (22:00:00) admins do what admins do but my opinion is clear, and Stinsen's drunk opionion was clear. and i wont stand that, ever
Time Left: 3:56
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