
Song Information
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1999 Didgeridoo EthnicRelated songs:

Smash (Matt Swoboda)
Song Length: 4:40
Release Year: 1999
Song Status: Active
Song Source: Musicdisk
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“This is quite odd. The chorus is quite unjazzish, but some of the other parts are very much acid jazz. Do you like the didgeridoo? I wanted to do a song with a more "world" sound, but I definately didn't want to make one of those "this is an 'ethnic' song! look at all the flutes and jungle effects and drums and shit like that!" type pieces.. they suck. A lot of trackers (especially those who usually make the very standard tracked music styles) occasionally do some kind of rock or jazz or orchestral or "ethnic" piece, and they just do all the stereotypical things to create some generic sound of that genre without any identity, and think they are being 'different' and 'original'. They replace the Juno with a piano and call it jazz... I hope this doesn't sound like that. I'd like to give thanks to Astradyne and Stote for some of the percussion samples. You sent me those sounds about two years ago - looks like I finally found a decent use for them =) The song features probably the best trumpet solo I've done to date. In my opinion it's the best song on the disk. The drums are quite intricate, and it's all built on the bass line.” -Smash
Last Queued : 1 year, 7 months ago
This song has been played 24 times. [See Request History]
It was added 16 years, 4 months ago.
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Song Rating: 3.6 - Votes Placed: 14 View Voting HistoryA total of 2 users have this song on their favourites list.
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