Rapture (02:32:06) but if nobody wants, then I want for AI and make it alone
juN3bula (02:31:59) well in the demoscene there has been always some who are those
Rapture (02:31:58) i have sooo many great ideas for demos
Rapture (02:31:53) i wanna know more demomaking ppl
juN3bula (02:31:18) made one ASCII thing and was interested how it looks on real platform
Rapture (02:30:57) Rap Chicken, Ducks & Geese
Rapture (02:30:47) geese and chicken are never mean to me
Rapture (02:30:43) TELL!
Rapture (02:30:42) why are ppl so mean?
juN3bula (02:30:29) https://sourceforge.net
Time Left: 2:17
List over votes for the song Last Ninja