Agemixer (20:12:16) sticktoitiveness... well kinda, but not exactly
mirrorbird (20:12:07) "stubbornness" if you keep trying when it's dumb and you should give up
Agemixer (20:11:34) perseverance perhaps the most near counterpart
mirrorbird (20:11:17) sticktoitiveness (a great word nobody uses)
mirrorbird (20:10:56) s"grit; perseverance"
Agemixer (20:10:45) well if i finished a tough track after a year, if there wer e trouble doing it, easy to say, i was *sisukas*
Agemixer (20:09:31) not really
MMX (20:09:02) doesnt sisu mean courage in finnish?
Agemixer (20:07:45) morelike... make it untill make it until you make it. Sisu force
mirrorbird (20:06:51) could be "staying the course". ... "stiff upper lip"? (not quite right)
Time Left: 6:52
A history of play requests for song Supremacy