Rapture (14:59:01) ok after mosaik then. fine.
Rapture (14:58:53) in your PM's you are so lovely LW. but on oneliner, reading your lines is like a cold wind blowing into my face
Rapture (14:58:35) whynot? what an enthusiasm
LittleWhite (14:56:50) Why not, after the little Mosaik session
Rapture (14:56:25) holy phuck... hehe... magic
Rapture (14:54:48) it's fairly smiple. but magic.
Rapture (14:54:43) ok, played it in cubase,. wanna hear?
LittleWhite (14:51:36) Yeah, cubase, of course
Rapture (14:50:05) dvibe
Rapture (14:49:51) extreme goose love part
Time Left: 4:57
A history of play requests for song Data Samurai