Rapture (23:37:36) cool mirror. nice song. recently i had a MJ song in my cubase too
mirrorbird (23:37:02) dun--dun - - - dun--dun
Rapture (23:36:59) rassisch rassistisch rassistic bassistic!
mirrorbird (23:36:49) ah yes, i woke up with "Billie Jean is not my lover" in my head
Rapture (23:36:48) Das war klassisch!
Rapture (23:36:37) That was classy
Rapture (23:36:33) How you came in on the oneliner with the moonwalk and shouting OW
Rapture (23:36:22)
mirrorbird (23:36:15) oi oi
Rapture (23:36:10) I had to laugh yesterday about ya
Time Left: 3:09
A history of play requests for song 04. Bossanova