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AMIGA-customArkanoid-Mix by flag Archon (Stilianos Doussis)
Requested By: djrandom

Time Left: 4:14

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0a000h 110bpm 12tone 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1991Party 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2A03 2kb 2nd 2Unlimited 303 32k 3BMOpenAir 3rd 40k 48k 4k 4klang 4th 5th 64k 64klang2 669 680xxConvention 68kInside 7DX 7Zone 80s 8580 8chn 8k A-ha AAAZXDemoCompo ABBA Abduction Ableton Abnormalia Abort Abstract Acapella Accordion Acid AcidHouse AcidJazz Acorn Acoustic AddictAnniversary Adlib Advertisement AGA AgeOfWonders Ahoi AHX AishaSample Akira Alarm AlcatrazPentcost Alchimie Alcohol Alphaville Alternative AlternativeParty Ambience Ambient Amega AmenBreak AmiBerlin Amiga AmigaConference AmigaHalloweenConference AmigaKlang AmigaPPC AmigaRemix Amigaspeak AmigaSummitConvention AmiParty Amstrad Anal AnarchyEasterParty AndalusianCadence Angry Animal Animation Anime Anthem Antiq AphexTwinStyle Apocalypse ApolloMissionSamples Applause Apple Arcade AreYouReady Arf!Party Arkham Arok Arpeggios Arroutada ArtField ArtOfNoise aRTS Ascii Asian AsianRiff asmr Assembly AssemblyWinter Astrosyn Atari AtariFair AtariST AtariSTe Atmospheric ATMTurbo2 AtomicPlayboy Atonal AtParty AtwoodsSummerOpenAir Autotune Avant-garde AwfulGuitarSample AwfulSaxophone AxelFoley AY Ayeah Baby Bach BackInTime Backslash BackstreetBoys BackToTheSources BadSinging Bad_encoder Bagpipes Ballad BamigaSectorOneAndWarfalconsParty Bamse Banjo Bark BaroqueFloppyPeople Bass Batman BattleOfTheBits Battletoads BBCMicro BBS BBStro BCCParty bcnparty BeastieBoys Beat Beatbox Beatemup Beatles BeeGees Beeper Beer Beethoven Bell Bells Benediction BergenParty BGparty Bigbeat BigChipCompo Birdie Birds Birthday Bizarre BK BlackMetal Blacktron BlackValley Bladerunner Bleepy Blipblop Blockparty Bluegrass Blues Boing Bomberman Bongos BonJovi Boom Boozembly Borg Bossanova BountyParty Boyband Brass Breakbeat Breakcore Breakdown Breakpoint Breaks Breathing Breeze Broken brostep BrownBirdie Bubbly Buenzli BurnTheLighter Burp BushParty Buzz BuzzinOff ByteFall C64 C64samples Cacophony CAFe Calm Caribbean Cartoon Casio Castlevania Catchy Catlead CD32 CDFM Cebit Cello Celtic Chainsaw Chant ChaosConstructions Checkthisout Cheese Cheesy Children ChildrensSong Chillout ChipChop Chiperia ChipMetal Chipmunk Chipophone ChipPop Chiptalk Chiptune ChiptuneCover ChipYxa Chirpy ChitChat Choir Christmas Cinematic Cinter Circus Claps Clarinet Classic Classical clavinet Clinkster CloseToGod Club cmcmic Coffee Coke Color Coma Comedy ComeOn ComicBakery CommandAndConquer Commercial CommercialSamples Commodore Compo Compofiller Compowinner Compusphere ComputerVoice Convention Conversion Cookie Coop Copy Cough Countdown Country Coven Cover Cowbell CPC Cracktro Crash Creepy Cringe CrossingOverTheScene Cruelization Crunchy Crying Cute Cybelius Cyberpunk CycloneParty DaftPunk Damage Dance Danceejay DanishSpeak DannyElfman Dansktoppen Dark DarkAmbient Datastorm Day Deadline Death Decrunch Deep Deeplore DeepPurple DejaVu DekadenceDataparty DelayLama deMarche Demo Demobit Demodays Demodulation Demolition Demoscene Demosplash Demostyle DepecheMode Desire Desperate DeusEx DexionXMasConference DHS Diabolic DialingTones Dialogos Didgeridoo DigiBoosterPro digiLAB Digital DigitalNexus DigitalSymposium DiHALT Ding Dinosaur Discarded Disco Discopolo Disease Diskmag Dissonance DistortedGuitar Distortion Divagation Djent Doom DoomsDayParty DOS Doskpop Downtempo Dramatic Dream Dreamcast Dreamhack Dreamy drive Drone Drugs Drum&Bass Drums DrumSolo Drunk DrunkSinging DualSID Dub Dubstep Duet Dune DutchSpeak EarlyMOD EarlySID Easter EasternConference EBM ECC ECES Echoes Edison Eerie EggBanjo Eggshaker ElectricPiano Electro Electrofunk ElectroHouse Electronic Electronica ElectroPop ElectroSwing Elevator ElevatorMusic Emo Emotional Encore500 Encore64 EndOfTheWorldParty Energetic Enigma Enlight Enya Epic Epilogue Equinoxe Erotic ErrorInLine EscapeParty Esperenza Ethnic Eurochart Eurodance EuropeanTop20 Eurovision Euskal Evil Evoke ExampleSong Excess ExChipO Experimental Explicit Explosion Extended EyesDreams Fakebit Falcon Falsetto Famitracker Fanfare Fantasy Farbrausch Fart Fast FastMusicCompo FastRemixCompo FatAgnus Female FemaleMoans Femalevocals Fiasko FieldFX fight fika filter FinnishAmigaParty FinnishSpeak firearms Fjalldata FLaG Flamenco Flash Flashback FlashParty Floppy FLStudio Flute flying FM FM7 Folk FolkDance food football Forever Forndata FredEditor freeform freestyle French FrenchSpeak Friday FridayatEight FriedBits frog froggies fruit FST fun Function Funk Funky Funny FunTop fusion FutureComposer Gabber Gagarin game gameboy Gamemusic Gameport GameRemix gamestyle Gangnam garage Gasp Gathering Gay Geekcamp GeeksCanDance Gelloween GeneralProbe Generation generic Genesis Geography GeorgeMichael georgewbush GermanSpeak Gerp getdown Ghettoscene Ghostbusters GiorgioMoroder glitch glitchhop Glockenspiel Glucholazy Goa goth Gradius Grapevine grave Gravity Grayscale Greek GremlinGraphics GREP Grieg Groovy groovycompetition Growl GS GSMbuzz Gubbdata Guitar GuitarSolo gunshot GunsNRoses Hackerence Hackernight HackersTop haddaway HaJeMara-Team HalfLife halftime Halloween Hammond hangover happy HappyHardcore Hardcore hardstep Hardstyle hardtrance harmonica harp harpsichord HasARemix haunted Headline Heavy helicopter HeMan herewego Heroic hey HighPitched HillBilly Hip-Hop Hippel hipster hitit hitme hivelytracker HJT HokusPokus holiday horde HorizonParty horns horror Horse House Hugi humour Humppa HungarianSpeak hunzvocals Hurricane&BrutalSummerParty Hydra hymn Hype hypnotic ibiza Ice Icing Icons IDM Ifparty Imphobia ImpulseTracker Incube Indie Industrial inerciaDemoparty Insane Inscene Inscene99 Insomnia InspectorGadget Instanssi Instrumental IntelDemoCompetition IntelOutside Intense InterJam Intermission Intro InvertedStereo Investation Invitation Iradium Irish IronMaiden IrregularReview ItalianSpeak italo ItaloDisco ixs Jack Jahtari Jam JamesBond japanese JapaneseSpeak Jarre Java Jazz jazzy Jesterday JFFConvention Jingle JingleSource joke Juhla Juhla2 Jumper jumpy Jungle JurassicPack kahvi Kaktoos Karaoke Katram KeepThisFrequencyClear KefrensAndDexionParty keyboards keygen Kindergarden KindergardenFjeldabeEdition klystrack Konami051649 Koto Kraftwerk Krangparty Krik Lambada Laserdance LastParty LastTripOnMyShip Latin latinspeak Latrax laugh Lazer lemmings letsgo letthebasskick light Linux liquid liquiddnb LittleComputerPeople Live Loader LoadError Lobotomia LogicAudio long Loop looping loopit LostParty loud lounge love loveboat lowfi LowlifeParty lsdj Lucky&TigrouParty lullaby Lyrics Lyrics-Incomplete MacOSX madonna madtracker2 MafInspired Magbox MAGFest Maggy magical MagNet MAiN Mainframe MaleMoans Manamana Manowar Marast march marimba mario mashup Mastersystem masturbate Maths Matrix maxYMiser Mayday Mazzive MC3 mc5 MC6 McDisk medieval meditative medley megademo megadrive megamix Mekka&Symposium Melancholic Mellow Melodic Meltdown meme meow Merry MessageCenter Metal metallica MichaelJackson MicroChipCompo MicroHQ microtonal MiddleEastern midnight Military MilkyTracker MillenniumParty MindCandy MindResources Mindwave Minimal minimalistic minimaltechno minor mix MLK Moaning Moby modarchivecompo modem ModernTalking modulez Mono monotone monotonik MontyPython moody MoonshineDragons Mooziq Morricone MotorolaInside MountainBytes MountainCongress Movement Movie mozart MSX MT-32 Multimatograf multipart multisid mushroom Music-X MusicBox MusicContest Musicdisk Musicline MusicMon Muzak Mysdata mysterious Mystic mythology NAID name NationalAnthem Nature NectaScene needs_reencoding NES NeuroConcept Nevoke Newage NewMillenium newschool newyear Nexus6581 Night Ninja Nintendo noise nonsense NordicLine NordicReport Nordlicht norsktoppen NorthParty Norvegia NorwegianSpeak NoSense Nostalgia NotOnPouet NOVA Novoque nowwhat numbers NumericaArtparty NVScene oboe ocremix octalyser octamed OddStuffFromOldNecta OepirRisti offbeat OHC Oidos OK Oldfield OldSchool olympiad OneChannel OneSample OpenMPT Opera OPL2 OPL3 OPN ORCHESTRAHIT Orchestral Organ Oriental Oscilloscope OutBackInto Outline OutOfSync OutOfTune Outrun OxyronParty Pachelbel PacMag Padytime Pagadata PAiN panflutes PaperWhite PaquetCadeau Paradigmus Paradox paragon5 Parody party partytime patriotic PatternAnimation PatternsPlayedBackwards Payback PC pc-lamerit PCspeaker PERKELE PetShopBoys Phat PhilCollins phone Physics Piano PICO-8 Pilgrimage pinball PinkFloyd pirates Pixelization Pixeljam Pixelshow PlanerNestPasJouer Platformer PlayPsyCo poetry pokey POLARISComputerParty polarizing PolishAutumn PolishSpeak Politics polka polyrhythm PolyTracker pony PoolPosition Pop Popcorn Porn Posadas PosadasAutumn postmodern power PowerMetal PPP PPSG Preamp Predator Premium Pretracker Primavera Prime prodigy Progress Progression Progressive ProgressiveMetal ProgressiveRock Propaganda Proxy ps1 PSP PSY Psychedelic psygnosis Psykoz Psytrance puke PumpUpTheVolume pun Punk QBParty QuartzSummerConference Quast Queen quiet Quote Racing radio radiohead RadixStyle Rage ragtime rain Rammstein random Rap Rave RAW ReAct Realtime Reason Record Reggae Reggaeton Relaxing Religion Remake Remedy Remix remix64 Renaissance Rendezvous Renoise Repetitive report Retro retrobeat RetroKomp Reverb Revision Revolution Rewired Rhapsodic rhodes rhythm rhythmloop ringmodulator RinkADink RinneRadio ripped Riverwash RMT RnB RobertMiles Roblox robotic Rock rockabilly Roland RolandE38 RolandE68 RolandJD800 RollingStones ROM romantic RPG rsync RushHours russian RussianChipTuneCompo RussianPunk RussianSpeak Sad salsa Samba SAMCoupe samples Satellite satisfaction Saturne saxophone scary scat SCC scenario SceneCON SceneEvent SceneOrgAwards SceneSat Scenest Schlager Schneider Schranz scooter Scorpions scratching Scream Sea seagull SeaSoftSunParty SectorGaza SeenPoint Sega sequel sexy ShadowParty ShadowsParty Sheep Shoegaze Short shout Showtime shuffle shutup SID sidechain SilenceAtEnd Silesia SILIconvention Silly SillyVenture Silvester Simple Simpsons Simulaatio sinewave siren Sitar ska skaletracker skank Skeneklubi SkrolliParty slach slapbass slavic Slayer Sledgehammer Sleepy Slideshow Slow Smoking smooth smurfhits snes snibbetracker snowman SocietySummerParty soft softsynth Software solemn Solskogen SomewhereInHolland Sommarhack Sonic sonix soul soundfx soundmon soundscape Soundstorm soundtrack soundtrakker SouthernParty SouthPark SouthSealandParty Space SpaceShooter Spacesynth spacious Spanishspeak spc700 Speak speaknspell Speccy speccy_pl SpeechSynth speedcore Spoletium spooky Sport SpringBreak Springtunes squarelead Squeaky st-01 st-02 st-03 st-04 st-05 st-XX stabs staccato stage&screen StarTrek StarWars StateOfTheArt steeldrums stereo stereofx StereoPOKEY stereoseparation STNICCC StolenData Stream StreetsOfCairo strings suicide summer SummerEncounter Sundown SunnfunParty Sunrise SunVox Suojain002 SurfMusic SwedishEliteEasterConference SwedishSpeak SwedishTitle Swing Symphonic Symphony Symposium syncopated SyndeecateApocalypse Synergy Syntax synth synthbass Synthesis synthlead synthpop SynthWave takeonme Takeover tambourine Tango tATu Tchaikovsky Team Team17 TeamSport TechHouse TechnicallyAwesome Techno Tempochange Terminator tetris textmode ThatSameOldEthnicFluteSample TheAlternativeParty TheatreAndNetwork TheCharts TheComputerCrossroad TheGathering TheItalianGathering TheJungle theme TheMeltdown TheParty ThePlaceToBe theremin TheScene TheSummerParty thetrackering thisisajourney Thriller Throat-Singing thunder ticktock Time timesignaturechanges Tiny Titanic TitanicParty Titus TMDC TokyoDemoFest Tolkien TopSecret Touching Towel Tracker Trackmo Traditional Traffic Trance Transmission64 Trashcan triangle Tribal tribute Trip TripHop tripletabuse triplets TRiPOUT Trippy TristarParty Troll Trombone Tropical Tropyx TRSAC TruckDriversGearChange trumpet tuba tUM TurboSound turntablism Turrican TV twilight TwinFlix TwoChannels Tyrian Ubiktune UFO UKGarage ukonx ultratracker UnderConstruction UndergroundConference Underscore Unfinished Union Unreal UnrealTournament Untz Upbeat Uplifting Upstream USSR v2m VammalaParty VandalismNews Vangelis VanHalen vcs VenloMeeting Verve Vibes Vibraphone Video Violin VIP Vocaloid Vocals Vocoder Voice VolcanicParty Vortex VRC6 Vuvuzela Wah-wah Waltz War Water Waterdrop Wave Wavesabre Weather WebGL WeCan wedding weird Western whales WhatsAboutTheLoveNow whattimeisit whip whistle WhiteNoise Whoo wigglerave Wild Wind windchimes Windows Winter WinterChip Wired Wit wobble Woest Worldcharts Worldmusic WorldOfCommodore Worms Wow Wubstep X XBOX Xenium Xixit xkcompo Xylophone YamahaDJX Yeah Yeeha YM YM2149-PCM YM2612 Yo Yoik Yoshi Zelda Zenta Zine Zodiac Zoo ZX81 ZXEvo ZXFormat