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Phantoms by flag Danceaway (Paul Hesford)
Requested By: flagarneex

Time Left: 5:34

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Songs connected to tags

Song Title Artist Song Length Status Vote Queue Last Request
PC (other)Airscape Ride [Pete's Kickback Remix] flag Peter W (Peter Wennergren) 5:13 Active 4.2 Log in to queue 2024-08-06
PC-ITAlice in Wonderland flag RaGE [from Newgen] (Regis Stadelwieser) , flag Teajay (Thomas Bernard) 4:14 Active 2.5 l Locked 2025-02-05
AMIGA-customAmiga flag Andromeda [PL] (Przemyslaw Tkaczyk) 11:53 Active 3.7 Log in to queue 2025-01-09
AMIGA-customAurora flag Andromeda [PL] (Przemyslaw Tkaczyk) 7:52 Active 3.7 Log in to queue 2024-12-20
PC-XMBackwaters flag Anvil [fi] (Hannu Koskinen) 4:49 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2025-01-01
PC-XMCalbre of Passion flag Corwin (Simon Woodington) GroupTrideja 6:40 Active 1.8 Log in to queue 2023-12-07
Changing My Mind Have video flag Aural Planet GroupSuspend [spd] 7:21 Active * 4.2 l Locked 2025-01-30
PSG AY-3-891x/YM2149 (CPC, ST, ZX)Chaos (TCC 1993 Invite) Have video flag Scavenger (Joe Maarten de Man) GroupSynergy 2:38 Active * 4.7 Log in to queue 2025-01-23
PC (other)Cloudy With a Chance of Metaballs flag Kepler (Stian Saunes) 3:15 Active 3.6 Log in to queue 2025-01-01
PC-MT2Colors of Life flag Maxus (Łukasz Kazimierczak) 7:22 Active 3.9 Log in to queue 2025-01-22
PC (other)Cosmosis Remix 3 Have video flag Khrome (Julio J. Sánchez M.) 4:56 Active * 4.1 Log in to queue 2024-12-14
Cosmosis Remix 3 4:56 Dupe * 3.9 l Locked 2015-01-11
PC (other)Dark Star [remix] flag BeeZerk (Marek Szyszkowski) 5:35 Active 4.1 Log in to queue 2024-06-13
PC (other)Dawnfall flag Dafunk (Dejan Subotin) 7:50 Active 4.4 Log in to queue 2025-02-07
PC-XMDeuterium flag !cube (Greger Lönnberg) 3:17 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2024-12-02
PSG AY-3-891x/YM2149 (CPC, ST, ZX)Escape from the Spaceship flag Yerzmyey GroupAY Riders 6:43 Active * 4.1 l Locked 2025-02-07
PC-ITFlashtique flag IMode (Aaron Yee) GroupExceed 3:08 Active 4.4 Log in to queue 2024-12-31
PC-XMFlux Indux flag Dragonfly (Anders Christiansson) Groupstarlight 3:14 Active 4.6 Log in to queue 2025-02-06
AMIGA-MODFreerunner flag h0ffman (Ian Ford) 3:48 Active 4.1 l Locked 2025-02-09
PC-XMGemini flag serpent (Touko Väre) 2:43 Active 2.8 Log in to queue 2024-11-30
PC-XMGigawatt flag rockmonitor (Alain Rebuschi) 6:06 Removed By Request * 2.9 l Locked 2016-03-18
PC-XMGIGAWATT (Maniac Edition) flag rockmonitor (Alain Rebuschi) 4:40 Active 2.6 l Locked 2025-02-11
PC (other)Gravity is Not an Option flag rams (Ramon Ott) Group#cubernicus [CBC] 4:23 Active 4.3 Log in to queue 2024-12-12
PC (other)I Failed Again flag Jason Cane 6:59 Active 3.6 Log in to queue 2025-01-08
PC-XMJumping on the River flag AceMan (Jakub Szeląg) 3:56 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2025-01-15
AMIGA-customLifeform flag Andromeda [PL] (Przemyslaw Tkaczyk) 7:25 Active 4.0 l Locked 2025-01-30
PC (other)Locomotive Failure flag Signal (Juho Korhonen) 3:38 Active * 4.0 Log in to queue 2024-08-29
AMIGA-MODMinäkö G80 flag Chavez (Tommi Lauri Juhani Arrela) , flag Goto80 (Anders Carlsson) Groupfunktion 1:50 Active 4.5 l Locked 2025-02-12
AMIGA-MODMirages of the Mind Have video flag DeLorean (Sakari Hannula) 1:08 Active 3.9 Log in to queue 2024-11-24
SID (6581/8580)Open Your Eyes flag Intensity (Arman Behdad)Deceased 5:27 Active * 4.0 Log in to queue 2024-12-04
Paper Dolls flag 4-mat (Matthew Simmonds) 3:18 Active * 4.6 l Locked 2025-02-08
PC-XMPath to Nowhere flag Anvil [fi] (Hannu Koskinen) 4:28 Active 4.4 Log in to queue 2025-01-22
PC-XMPeaceful Journey flag Nighthawk (Martin Freij) 3:58 Active 4.1 Log in to queue 2024-11-27
AMIGA-MODPhysical Presence Have video flag Jogeir (Jogeir Liljedahl) GroupFairlight [FLT] , GroupVirtual Dreams 5:31 Active 4.6 l Locked 2025-02-06
AMIGA-MODProphecy3 flag Baz (Barry Leitch) 3:04 Active 3.1 Log in to queue 2023-09-22
PSG AY-3-891x/YM2149 (CPC, ST, ZX)Rape me flag Baggio (Robert Hogberg) 2:20 Active 3.1 Log in to queue 2024-11-01
PC-XMRespray flag Mr. Gamer (Andreas Rohdin) 2:45 Active 4.2 Log in to queue 2024-10-13
AMIGA-MODSad But True flag Jogeir (Jogeir Liljedahl) 4:17 Active 4.0 Log in to queue 2025-01-21
PC-MT2Something Positive flag Maxus (Łukasz Kazimierczak) 6:29 Active 4.2 Log in to queue 2025-01-22
PC-XMTao Tao flag Floppi (Tero Laihanen)Deceased 2:01 Active 3.6 Log in to queue 2024-09-30
PC-XMThe Dancing Oldschool Girl Have video flag Haggeman (Thomas Hagfors) 2:35 Active 4.2 Log in to queue 2025-01-08
PC (other)The Future of the Internet Have video flag Paniq (Leonard Ritter) 5:01 Active 3.7 Log in to queue 2024-12-16
PC (Custom)Tires on Fire flag coda (Ken Snyder) 2:06 Active 3.7 Log in to queue 2024-10-19
AMIGA-MODToi-Tei Have video flag Uncle Tom (Tomas Dahlgren) 4:21 Active 4.2 l Locked 2025-02-12
AMIGA-MODTotal Triple Trouble Have video flag Static (Anders Bukh) GroupRebels [RBS] 3:27 Active * 3.4 Log in to queue 2025-02-06
AMIGA-MODTransformation flag Maxsoft (Marcin Michalski) 3:48 Active 2.7 Log in to queue 2024-12-09
AMIGA-TFMXTurrican 2 [title] Have video flag Chris Hülsbeck 7:07 Moved 4.8 l Locked 2023-11-13
AMIGA-MODUncommon Melodies flag Muffler (Konsta Mikkonen) 2:16 Active 2.5 Log in to queue 2024-05-25