mirrorbird (21:15:49) well i don't know what i'm doing, just make a bloody mp3, thanks
Agemixer (21:15:37) what
mirrorbird (21:15:32) i remember RAM is at the bottom innit. the Speccy ROM is 0 to 0x3FFF, then you have the (tiny) screen display. then user RAM
mirrorbird (21:14:30) LOAD "walking...",8,1 ?PEEK(36) is 179
mirrorbird (21:13:37) LOAD"$",8 LIST
Agemixer (21:13:36) SO i can determine the loadaddress somehow
mirrorbird (21:13:25) so i restart vice; attach your disk image;
Agemixer (21:13:14) ?PEEK(36)
Agemixer (21:13:02) give it a
Agemixer (21:11:56) oh, give it NEW command first
Time Left: 4:23
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