d_vibe (10:08:49)
juN3bula (09:47:01)
juN3bula (09:19:36) Moroder ♥♥♥
faraday (09:09:31) too bad. there should a solar burn day
juN3bula (09:06:33) sweet ^^
d_vibe (09:05:56) Me and my wife says "Det luktar hallon" if someone has farted
juN3bula (09:03:22) what..? Where you have been? Never heard of that
zoi (09:02:25) In Finland we don't say that it's nice weather for growing chickpeas. we say "hyvät kikkelit". and I think that's beautiful.
juN3bula (08:58:25) God dag
zoi (08:47:44) in Sweden we don't tell people that they smell bad. we say "du luktar tammefan inte hallonbåtar". and I think that's beautiful.
Time Left: 7:20
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