Rapture (01:45:07) i got cool connections huah
Viraxor (01:45:06) ALL seems like enough
mirrorbird (01:44:57) that's my boy
Rapture (01:44:54) from ONe guy.. who manages ALL licendes from all devs
Stinsen (01:44:48) you shan't birdie-lolie
Rapture (01:44:40) well i got the OK from ALL devs
mirrorbird (01:44:26) do i have to delete it in 24 hours?
mirrorbird (01:44:23) you said on ONE of them "i talked to the licence holder" ... Ausnahmen bestätigen die Regel
Stinsen (01:44:12) very odd this
Rapture (01:44:10) buy a yamaha keyboard step thru it those are patches enjoy while sober it's better löl
Time Left: 2:10
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