Rapture (01:08:28) SUCKERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rapture (01:08:25) wirla: I was RUDE to everyone
Rapture (01:08:17) vira whatta
Wirlaburla (01:08:17) Rapture, what the heck were you doin'?
Rapture (01:08:11) stinsen YEPPO!
Viraxor (01:08:07) all porn stinks
Rapture (01:08:06) YOU STINKERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rapture (01:08:03) hahah i was so often KICKED and BANNED in IRC
Stinsen (01:08:01) goose porn rocks!!!
mirrorbird (01:07:52) it was just perfect, walked in, asked question, got a response, walked out. no sign-up, no shit, no third parties. -- but i think they are on Discord now.
Time Left: 10:30
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