Spiral (18:09:36) was at 126kg 7 weeks ago, today I weighted in at 114,2kg
mirrorbird (18:05:41) bit "vaporwavey"
mirrorbird (18:05:31) Soundcloud chose another nice track after your Pulse -- it is: jeeos - Event Horizon
franz_opa (18:05:31) amphetamine is da ghetto way to remove excessive appetite
Spiral (18:05:20) Quite the caloric defecit actually
Spiral (18:03:54) I do not each much lately since I started my Ozempic injections
mirrorbird (18:03:52) i really do live inthe 1800s
mirrorbird (18:03:36) i had gout in my toe when my diet was stupidly high in meat & fish
mirrorbird (18:03:20) gout arf. stop eating roast beef like an old englishman
Spiral (18:03:04) I get it sometimes, but was long ago since last time I had it
Time Left: 5:16
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