noodi10 (21:51:49) good ole niklas
noodi10 (21:51:35) oh hell yeah dude, one of my alltime favorites
Stinsen (21:51:19) yes and a good musician!
noodi10 (21:51:13) very tall man
noodi10 (21:51:11) hes lovely
Stinsen (21:50:59) i know zabutom
noodi10 (21:50:39) im thinking of Zabutom, then doh, the other two are random
mirrorbird (21:50:37) no internet = if you were on a computer you had to find things to do with it on your own
noodi10 (21:50:18) hahahahha
Stinsen (21:50:05) i love how you gave four distinct examples
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