mirrorbird (20:41:29) for the BBC Micro there was a lovely pin-sharp monitor, but it was 1. tiny and 2. green. like an oscilloscope
mirrorbird (20:41:12) i got through so many terrible "used" TVs with the Speccy. would have been cheaper just to buy a new one in the end
Agemixer (20:41:05) yes, unfiltered
Agemixer (20:40:47) should be, yes... somewherecaround VIC or graphics configuration
mirrorbird (20:40:34) now it's the monitor we always wished for
mirrorbird (20:40:28) change "CRT emulation" to "unfiltered"
mirrorbird (20:40:23) aha
mirrorbird (20:40:10) "scanlines"? can't find it
Agemixer (20:39:47) same, not nice on a monitor
mirrorbird (20:39:22) must turn off that horrible stripey "TV effect", why does anyone ever want this
Time Left: 4:16
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