Rapture (21:10:35) which would be those extremes? or nothing to talk on here? ok
mirrorbird (21:10:21) but it's kind of you to want me there
mirrorbird (21:10:14) it would take some extremes to make me want to go to Rev or something.
Rapture (21:10:05) (goes on nerves of him)
Rapture (21:09:59) see you at rev' 25 mirror
Rapture (21:09:50)
Rapture (21:09:48) all good, all good
Rapture (21:09:27) but that won't happen. unless I'm in UK ;D
Rapture (21:09:17) hence: rivertalk (iRL talk)
Rapture (21:09:11) so it's misunderstandings times (x) misuderstandings (or hard to write stuff)
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