MMX (16:20:03)
Seymour (16:06:16)
Seymour (15:08:50) A very happy man
zoi (14:55:54) this is wankman :-)G<
Seymour (14:48:58) LOL - it looks like some smile. Of a man who is lying on the bench and training triceps
zoi (14:46:54) I was standing in line quing at the post office
Machforr (14:33:55) LOL
zoner (14:26:12) le/la roine couine
zoner (14:24:35) today is not a total waste, we have learned the word "quing"
Machforr (14:01:22) ouibon je fais pas tout bilingue, la
Time Left: 4:20
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