faraday (22:03:17) hhmm... 2
faraday (21:03:31) aye
edlinfan (17:12:03) GURU MEDITATION
zoi (15:03:39) you tell that to the necta API
mirrorbird (15:01:18) lastplayed is not null pls
zoi (14:48:12) https://zoi.sk
zoi (14:46:09) I probably have that in my little database that keeps pace
Mindiell (14:43:10) Is it possible to see request from this morning ? I wanted to note a song but I forgot which one :/
d_vibe (14:03:51) It's not hypafriday
d_vibe (14:03:36) DjRandom, what have you done?
Time Left: 3:09
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