Agemixer (13:14:26) interesting CPU's but i havent gone that far exploring that thing. for the time reasons..
Agemixer (13:12:39) yeah i know, also having the 8-bit command set mode, AFAIK, for the compilance. Halfway a completely different architecture
Seymour (13:12:08) The 65C802 is in essence a 65C816 in a physical and initial 65C02 compatible format.
Agemixer (13:11:00) i could make a lot of humour out of those.. lol
Agemixer (13:09:53) Do a singer and a DAW composer have a fight when arguing about what "modulation" means just came to my mind
Seymour (13:09:10) ...
Seymour (13:09:05) and.
Seymour (13:08:48) Those are 16-bit
Seymour (13:08:26) No prob
Agemixer (13:07:47) 65Cxxx makes the difference
Time Left: 4:57
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