Rapture (11:11:16) stinsen a goose, I'd hug him a lot
Rapture (11:10:57) hi commu o/
Rapture (11:10:44) what DOES THAT mean
mirrorbird (11:10:08) zoi: "I'm the m-----f----ing daddy goose" as Stinsen said
communicator (11:09:47) o/
zoi (11:08:07) so I'm going to give them a call and book a table
zoi (11:07:57) In Sweden we have Mårten Gås and Father's day on the same day this Sunday
Rapture (10:58:03) yeppo
zoi (10:57:19) I thought you were cubasing
Rapture (10:55:29) i like prions!!! https://en.wikipedia.org
Time Left: 2:35
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