Rapture (01:40:53) I already open many .txt files but I can't work on 20 projects at once
juN3bula (01:40:50) and what happened your video project Rap?
Rapture (01:40:41) holy PHUCK,.. i get constnatly ideas, (inspiration, creativity) and can't follow up
Rapture (01:40:13) elwood rulez
noodi10 (01:39:58) does Elwood have any video demos?
Rapture (01:39:38) for no apparent reason. sheesh.
Rapture (01:39:30) sometimes
Rapture (01:39:29) jun: yes indeed. a HELLUVA spicy
noodi10 (01:39:23) Sanya something
noodi10 (01:39:21) i forgot his name
Time Left: 3:29
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