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PC-ReasonElliptical Orbit by flag Malmen (Kristoffer Malmgren)
Requested By: djrandom

Time Left: 5:45

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Info for tag(s) "Cover,1996"

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[+] Beatles , [+] Burp , [+] Cartoon , [+] ChiptuneCover , [+] Comedy , [+] CommercialSamples , [+] Demo , [+] Enlight , [+] FrenchSpeak , [+] GameRemix , [+] GeorgeMichael , [+] long , [+] Movie , [+] name , [+] PetShopBoys , [+] Pop , [+] prodigy , [+] Reggae , [+] Remix , [+] Repetitive , [+] RobertMiles , [+] Short , [+] Speccy , [+] theme , [+] thetrackering , [+] Trance , [+] TruckDriversGearChange , [+] TV , [+] Untz , [+] Video , [+] Vocals , [+] X , [+] YM

Songs connected to tags

Song Title Artist Song Length Status Vote Queue Last Request
PC-XMAirwolf Anti Theme flag Rage (Harri Blom) 1:53 Active * 3.7 Log in to queue 2024-08-01
AMIGA-MODAliengirl flag Naturd (Kim Rasmussen) 4:48 Removed By Request 2.6 l Locked 2021-09-13
PC-XMBraveNex flag Xerxes (Klaus Lunde) 4:04 Active 3.2 Log in to queue 2024-03-09
SID (6581/8580)Careless Whisper flag GRG (Glenn Rune Gallefoss) GroupSHAPE 3:17 Active 4.1 l Locked 2025-02-26
PC-S3MChildren ReMiX flag Nightbeat (Carl Larsson) 8:34 Active 3.6 l Locked 2025-03-06
AMIGA-MODChippy_Nr.260 Have video flag mAZE (Stian Gudbrandsen) GroupEltech 1:34 Active 3.8 Log in to queue 2025-02-17
PSG AY-3-891x/YM2149 (CPC, ST, ZX)Eye Ache Have video flag Rst7 (Dmitry Oparin) GroupCode Busters 3:39 Active 3.6 l Locked 2025-03-10
SID (6581/8580)Go West flag Odie [UK] (Sean Connolly) GroupCosine 4:31 Active 3.6 Log in to queue 2024-09-25
PC-S3MJah Him Smile on Airwolf flag Aahz (David Fitches) 2:46 Active 3.2 Log in to queue 2024-09-05
PC-XMLamu from the Space flag FBY (Fabio Barzagli) 2:03 Active 3.5 Log in to queue 2024-11-06
AMIGA-MODLe Nougat flag Maf (Benoît Charcosset)Deceased 1:09 Active 2.5 Log in to queue 2025-01-02
PSG AY-3-891x/YM2149 (CPC, ST, ZX)Love '96 flag Slash [ru] (Denis Podolskiy) 2:46 Active * 3.8 l Locked 2025-03-10
PSG AY-3-891x/YM2149 (CPC, ST, ZX)Malikov (Party Version) flag Slash [ru] (Denis Podolskiy) 2:22 Active 3.9 l Locked 2025-03-10
AMIGA-MODMikie flag Jerry (Stig Rune Frydenlund) 1:45 Active * 3.1 Log in to queue 2024-08-15
AMIGA-MODShokoy Tunes 3 flag WOTW (Elef Tsiroudis) 1:21 Active 3.5 Log in to queue 2024-11-05
AMIGA-MODSmells Like A Grunge flag Throb (Yann Savary) 5:03 Active * 2.0 Log in to queue 2024-12-08
SID (6581/8580)Storymix flag Orcan (Stefan Uram) 2:58 Active * 3.1 l Locked 2025-02-21