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PSG AY-3-891x/YM2149 (CPC, ST, ZX)Nightly Delirium Have video by flag Kenotron (Andrey Tryasun)
Requested By: flagarneex
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Time Left: 3:14

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Info for tag(s) "Cover,Metal"

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[+] 2002 , [+] 2011 , [+] 2014 , [+] 2015 , [+] Amiga , [+] AwfulGuitarSample , [+] BlackMetal , [+] ChipMetal , [+] Christmas , [+] Compo , [+] Death , [+] GameRemix , [+] Guitar , [+] GuitarSolo , [+] Heavy , [+] IronMaiden , [+] laugh , [+] long , [+] metallica , [+] Musicdisk , [+] NectaScene , [+] Symphony , [+] Vocals , [+] Voice

Songs connected to tags

Song Title Artist Song Length Status Vote Queue Last Request
PC-RenoiseBlack Christmas Ale flag Elrinth (Nicklas Holmgren) GroupNectarine 1:37 Rejected * 2.9 l Locked 2013-04-01
Cradle of Filth Thank God For the Suffering [Crazy Man's Instrumental Mix] flag Crazy Man (Olmo Jonathan Stefano Jr. Lipani) 6:05 Active * 3.0 Log in to queue 2024-10-04
AMIGA-AHXFace in the Sand flag Jerry (Stig Rune Frydenlund) GroupInsane , GroupTitan , GroupUp Rough 5:53 Active 3.7 Log in to queue 2025-02-18
AMIGA-MODLeper Messiah flag Betrayer (Niclas Brunbäck) 6:00 Rejected 2.2 l Locked 2017-10-17
PC (other)Mortal Kombat (Cover Version from Some Variations) flag Darkman007 (Vladimir Tugay) 6:44 Moved 3.7 l Locked 2023-01-16
AMIGA-MODNumber of the Beast flag Jerry (Stig Rune Frydenlund) GroupDesire , GroupInsane , GroupTitan , GroupUp Rough 4:37 Active 3.7 Log in to queue 2023-12-06
PC-ITPrisoner of Our Time flag Malekith (Lionel Gendre) 4:36 Active * 2.5 Log in to queue 2024-11-25
PC-XMThe Philosopher flag Betrayer (Niclas Brunbäck) 3:46 Rejected 3.0 l Locked 2019-01-03
Thorns of Crimson Death flag Betrayer (Niclas Brunbäck) 8:09 Inactive 2.4 l Locked 2023-02-15