Rapture (23:28:06) Love and respect to: Stinsen . SIDRIDER
Rapture (23:27:59) cuddly and FLUFFY!
Rapture (23:27:54) i call the female geese: Goose Mother Ship !
Rapture (23:27:22) I kow Stinsen FOR LONG TIME. TELL ALL DA REASONS !!!!
Rapture (23:27:16)
Rapture (23:27:13) today at goose park WAS GREAT.. soooo many cute goose pairs. with kids too!
Rapture (23:26:59) "Hmm. what was afvdxkbnd.mid agaiN?!" etc
Stinsen (23:26:56) bytes in the right order, mkay!
Rapture (23:26:39) i need to concentrate now: downloading stuff precisely. no download manager, cuz avbdhrfs.mid is not helping
Stinsen (23:26:27) we spent a lot of time on here
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