Rapture (02:08:10) u say kinnas, arf, I say hoorlia boorlia
Agemixer (02:08:06) mir I know. But if it can be assumed to get "catch" (idk how to express it anyway)
Rapture (02:07:57) hoorlia
Rapture (02:07:27) if I knew it before, then I'd love to stay in 80s being a kid, thanks
Rapture (02:07:08) but I'm not at fault
Rapture (02:07:05) then unnerve me then
Rapture (02:06:57) when they have a fucking fate
Rapture (02:06:42) ppl turn into FUCKNESS PPL
mirrorbird (02:06:40) KINNAS
mirrorbird (02:06:37) cough #noecclesiastics
Time Left: 3:55
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