mirrorbird (20:33:51) i guess i'll use this twice a year to look at a demo
Agemixer (20:33:49) but i have done that all the time, no need to change my habits when covid came
mirrorbird (20:33:44) sadly i don't know enough about the c64 to understand much of the whatsnew
mirrorbird (20:33:18) [Vice] ahh Sourceforge, we don't see you often any more
Agemixer (20:33:13) same, about this bit toggle.
mirrorbird (20:32:26) you'd think it's post-covid paranoia, nah just don't want to eat people's germs
Agemixer (20:32:16) That Reino (ReynO)'s track is just.. awesome compilation
mirrorbird (20:32:11) my brain "sets a bit" for which hand or fingers have touched things (like train doors), can't eat with those until washed
Agemixer (20:30:42) too bad i have that gene i get sick way too easily. Therefore relatively hygienics monster
mirrorbird (20:30:21) ok i'm gonna install that Vice emulator again
Time Left: 5:09
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