mirrorbird (23:34:23) what's the german for "pick on someone your own size"? (like you say to a bully who attacks a smaller child.) that ostrich was her own size
Rapture (23:34:22) yes she was.
Rapture (23:34:16) the family tree ends with meee, remember.
mirrorbird (23:34:02) the woman was entirely in the wrong
Rapture (23:33:56) it's just how I am. no fucking interest in human girlies.
Rapture (23:33:43) well, yo don't have to understand.
mirrorbird (23:33:34) time to req a Rap song (cause he didn't ask)
Rapture (23:33:29) if a girl throws sth at ostrich, no wonder he attacks. well done mister birdo.
mirrorbird (23:33:18) it's beyond my understanding
Rapture (23:32:59) depends on the milimeter
Time Left: 4:00
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