Rapture (14:37:59) Airforce one >>> Hyperbase one. I'd marry a 747 anyday.
Rapture (14:37:36) I dont get it.
Rapture (14:37:34) I hate Hyperbase
zoi (14:37:19) get it?
Rapture (14:37:17) this ad was brought to you by Rapture
zoi (14:37:15) "Hyperbase one"
zoi (14:37:13) also, I think I've come up with the perfect name for my caravan
Rapture (14:37:11) he can help you out of that necta code bug desaster!!!
Rapture (14:36:59) Ishaan
Rapture (14:36:57) Please ask Ishagan
Time Left: 2:10
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