mirrorbird (22:12:31) "oddities" being mostly a euphemism for shocking bugs burned into your ROM
Agemixer (22:12:31) deleting (scratching) files: S:file1,file2,file3 or just S:file*
mirrorbird (22:11:49) and it seems to have dropped off the internet. hope not, that was a great informational document
mirrorbird (22:11:32) damn, i'm trying to find the classic "Canonical List of +3 Oddities", because there was a really funny bug about closing streams
Agemixer (22:10:51) formatting: N:label,ID
mirrorbird (22:10:31) as in "oh yeah, he's doing time!"
Agemixer (22:10:16) OPEN1,8,15,"diskcommand": CLOSE1
mirrorbird (22:10:06) HD: this isn't one of your retro repair holidays, is it, you'll have to do family time
HappyDude (22:09:17) mirror - lol, hard to go less than zero... J/K... I think...
mirrorbird (22:08:20) so: how much do you really want to beat The Addams Family
Time Left: 9:19
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