juN3bula (19:41:29) k,yes I pressed now link in zoo my bad
plc (19:40:57) our teo is from italy, not germany
juN3bula (19:40:56) ahh its linked already to some
juN3bula (19:40:09) how you know=
plc (19:39:53) it's not the Teo from here
juN3bula (19:12:29) https://demozoo.org
juN3bula (19:12:07) Ohh our friend from oneliner made entry for rsync. Title is already on Demozoo Silent Waters Streaming Music Teo
zoi (18:35:01) it's called a directive
maep (18:21:39) Apparently HaCKa is writing Brazilian USB-C regulation
LittleWhite (18:21:22) Hey maep o/
Time Left: 6:09
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