mirrorbird (01:16:04) i don't like wireless, i like wires. lots of cables. i want to trip over them. a fucking liquorice jungle
Viraxor (01:16:01) iot stupid
Viraxor (01:15:56) my grandma celebrated her washing machine's 50th birthday the other day
mirrorbird (01:15:50) it's just -- a thing on the wall that somehow communicates with the boiler wirelessly.
Wirlaburla (01:15:44) Everything should run only on local network raspberry pis
mirrorbird (01:15:10) well it's not some computerised Google Nest whatever (HA HA suckers, those don't work any more, LANDFILL THANKS YOU)
Viraxor (01:14:59) lol
mirrorbird (01:14:49) excellent
Viraxor (01:14:49) my theory
Wirlaburla (01:14:47) The era of smart technology has been unfortunate.
Time Left: 10:30
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